
What is your visa style?

Visa to Anime:

Visa to domain name:

Visa to easy payment:

Visa to free web business:

Visa to gaming

Visa to Greeting Cards:

Visa to help

Visa to information:

Visa to live chat:

Visa to Marketing strategies

Visa to Online Business:

Visa to popular web pages:

Visa to sciences contributors:

Bill Hewlett 1939 Hewlett-Packard Company
Dave Packard 1939 Hewlett-Packard Company
Sir Arthur C. Clarke 1945 Geosynchronous orbit satellites
Jack Kilby 1959 transistors
Robert Noyce 1959 transistors
Grace Murray Hopper 1959 computer programming language compiler
Herbie Hancock 1959 Synthesizer
Gordon Moore 1965 Moore law
Douglas Engelhart 1967 mouse
Alan Kay 1967 object-oriented programming
Jon Postel 1969 Internet Request for Comment or Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Ray Tomlinson 1971 email
Nolan Bushnell 1972 video game
Vint Cerf 1972 TCP/IP
Martin Cooper 1973 cell phone
Gary Kildall 1973 CP/M operating system
Bill Gates 1975 Microsoft
Steve Jobs 1976 Apple
Shigeru Miyamoto 1977 video game
Bill Atkinson 1979 graphical user interface
Bob Metcalfe 1979 Ethernet
Dan Bricklin 1979 VisiCalc spreadsheet
Bob Frankston 1979 VisiCalc spreadsheet
Al Shugart 1979 disk drive
Don Estridge 1981 PC
Peter Norton 1981 Disk Operating System
Trip Hawkins 1982 video game publisher
Chuck Thacker 1983 Ethernet Local Area Network
Susan Kare 1983 User interface graphics
William Gibson 1983 Cyberpunk
Michael Dell 1984 Dell
Fujio Masuoka 1984 Flash memory
Jonathan Ive 1984 iMac
Tim Berners-Lee 1989 web
James D. Johnston 1989 MPEG-1 Layer 3 (mp3)
Karlheinz Brandenburg 1989 MPEG-1 Layer 3 (mp3)
Charles Simonyi 1989 Office
Steve Case 1991 AOL
Linus Torvalds 1991 Linux
Phil Zimmermann 1991 Email encryption software
Alan Emtage 1992 Archie search engine
Bill Heelan 1992 Archie search engine
Mike Parker 1992 Archie search engine
Marc Andreessen 1994 Netscape web browser
Jeffrey Preston Bezos 1994 Amazon
Bill Joy 1994 Java
Ann Winblad 1994 Web 1.0
David Filo 1994 Web portal Yahoo!
Jerry Yang 1994 Web portal Yahoo!
Udi Manber 1994 AltaVista Search Engine
Jeff Hawkins 1996 personal digital assistants
Vic Hayes 1997 IEEE standard
Sergey Brin 1998 Google
Larry Page 1998 Google
Shawn Fanning 1998 peer-to-peer filesharing
Meg Whitman 1998 eBay
Thomas Penfield Jackson 1998 Microsoft operating system and software components units
Arianna Huffington 2005 Blog

Visa for starters:

Visa to travel

Visa to subjects in Sciences:

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